Every lab has one or two money managers who are authorized to receive checks from the Study Pool office. The money managers are assigned by the faculty member and are responsible for keeping track of Subject Payment forms and cash. Researchers, and research assistants receive money from the lab money manager. Researchers may not pay participants out of pocket and then ask to be reimbursed.

  1. For lab studies - Ask the participant if they want cash or Study Pool credit.  Harvard students may choose to split the payment by earning Study Pool credit and the difference in cash.
  2. Each participant completes a Subject Payment form in receipt of cash, or check.  Participants must print and sign their legal name on the form. Researchers and research assistants are responsible for the accuracy of the form and for retaining a photocopy of it for financial tracking, and record keeping purposes
  3. Harvard foreign nationals must get approval before participating in studies that pay by check (over $100)

After the study appointment, researchers should update Sona within 48 hours. Indicate participation and credits/payments.

  1. Excused and unexcused no-shows are reported at this time.
  2. Completed payment forms and give any remaining cash to the lab money managerby the end of the day.

Cash Payments
The money manager submits the Subject Payment forms and any remaining cash to the Study Pool Coordinator. The total on the payment forms plus the remaining cash must equal the original amount of the cash advance.

Additional Compensation
Some studies pay additional compensation, based upon performance. See the study description for compensation information.

Check Payments
The completed Subject Payment form is submitted to the psychology department business office on the second floor of WJH.. It may take 3-4 weeks for the check to be processed. 

Gift Card
Gift cards must be purchased using the PI/Faculty's Citibank Corporate Card. Please refer to the Guide to Purchasing Gift Certificates.